• 22 Feb, 2025

Monkey Bibi apologized to dad for breaking the egg while Bibi was hungry looking for food!

Monkey Bibi apologized to dad for breaking the egg while Bibi was hungry.

" Monkey Bibi apologized to dad for breaking the egg while Bibi was hungry," Bibi, a monkey, is seen searching for food and coming across an egg. Eager to eat it, she tries to open it but accidentally drops it, breaking the shell. Her father scolds her for being careless in the hot kitchen and Bibi apologizes for her mistake. Despite his initial scolding, Dad praises Bibi for her quick thinking in helping clean up the mess. Bibi appears relieved and afraid of her father's scoldings. 

"Monkey Bibi apologized to dad for breaking the egg while Bibi was hungry looking for food!", Bibi is seen crossing her arms and apologizing to her father, Dad. Dad is concerned and asks Bibi what she has done wrong, suspecting that she may have dropped an egg. Bibi, who was previously searching for food and appeared to be hungry, confirms that she did indeed drop the egg. Dad scolds her for not being careful in the kitchen, which is hot and dangerous. Bibi then helps her father clean up the mess and is praised for her good behavior and quick thinking. It is implied that Bibi is afraid of her father's scoldings and is relieved when he expresses gratitude towards her. 

"Monkey Bibi apologized to dad for breaking the egg while Bibi was hungry," the monkey named Bibi is seen attempting to open an egg for food. The father warns Bibi to be careful as the egg is hot, and offers to peel the shell for her. However, Bibi's excitement and hunger lead her to accidentally break the egg. After the mishap, Bibi apologizes to her father for her mistake.