• 17 Feb, 2025

Our Planet Secrets of Nature FULL EPISODE Documentary

Miracles of Nature - A majestic dawn spills across the horizon, painting the skies in warm shades of pink and gold. Soft light illuminates dense forests and endless savannahs, awakening them from their night slumber. The documentary film "Secrets of Nature" begins its exciting journey through the wildest and most unexplored corners of our planet.

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Fresh Water Meets Sea Water – Boundary Explained

The video discusses the phenomenon of freshwater meeting seawater at the boundary of the Fraser River and the Strait of Georgia in Vancouver. It explains that although it may seem like the freshwater is pushing back the saltwater and creating a clear boundary, the two waters are actually mixing together.

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15 STRONGEST Buildings in the World

“15 STRONGEST Buildings in the World,” The top 15 earthquake-resistant structures, starting with Taipei 101 in Taiwan, which utilizes advanced technology like internal dampers and massive dampers to withstand earthquakes. Number 14 is the Trans America Pyramid in San Francisco, with deep foundations and reinforced walls.

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